Friday, March 11, 2011

Education and Women in the Labor Market

I found this blogg about Education and Women in the Labor Market in the New York Times. Laura D'Andrea Tyson wrote this artlicle on Friday March 11. What this blogg is talking about is that now how things are they are doughting if graduating from college is going to help you to be succesful. There's a concern about adoloscents that are not getting more education but just getting jobs. It also says that women's are getting more successful from the past and are passing the mens. "But while the real earnings of the median male worker have stagnated, the real earnings of the median female worker have increased considerably" This shows how the more education women are getting the more they are earning. I agree with this blogg, because over the past decades we have seen how women are becoming succesful by working hard for their rights. However like it says in the article there's still a doubt about "that discrimination and implicit biases against women, even in jobs requiring college or postgraduate education, continue to play a role." This blogg inspire me to keep studying and always looking for more oportunities. To not be satisfied only with my high school diploma but to finish college. It looks like this recession is going to stay for a while and getting a job is going to be really hard, and getting a really good job to be succesful even harder.